Show me what you have and give me what you' ve got. |

The "Caravan" of the EMIS & EMIS team on their way to the local tax office. |

Despite that we have lots of debts the Troika won’t scare us! |

2010: WALL OF FLAMES, we participate as the Carnival Flames of EMEIS & EMEIS |

God Hephaestus himself ... serious and with dignity ... kills our driver ... or better not? |

Our 'Flames'... radiate joy and warmth at the carnival in the cool early spring. |

Hot mood with the 'EMIS and EMIS - Flames' at the most beautiful carnival in the world! |

2009 Water from the Amazone, the human wave of EMIS & EMIS is coming! |

The Lady of the Lake ... |

Carnival 2009 ... Amazonian Falls |

"Float"ing Beauty all over Rethymnon |

of the EMIS & EMIS Team |

2007 Always beautiful: EMEIS & EMEIS |

2008: Hasty Hermes rushing through Rethymnon |

Our sketch performance in 2005
We are the greatest latin lovers! |

1994 "Elementary school" was our first big success. |

1998 Sunflowers, which brought the summer into the heart of February. |

. . . Our float in 2007 |

Rolling the dice in 2005 |

Aren't we sweet!!! |

Carnival 2001 ...
... best legs in town... |

What, you think are beautiful female cooks for, eh? |

Go Giorgos... Go Go Go !
(Traditional Austrian dance "a la Greca" |

2007The OR(G)ION EXPRESS gets going ... |

With costumes reminding of exotic places
we flooded the streets of Rethymnon
with joy and fun. |

She doesn't miss a trick!!! |

Carnival 2002
The Chef's muses the dancing Samba, can anybody really resist that? |

1997 This year's rain was really wetting our large ears... |

1999 saw us serious from the outside with valuable costumes of the French Court of the 18th century.
But under the robes the joyful and simple heart of Emis & Emis, which loves everything that gives real joy in life and overcomes jointly all difficulties, was beating. |

FLOWER POWER with "(F&)B supply": Scotch was really needed at these freezing temperatures during the Carnival festivities in February 2004 ... |