The FEV ... GATOI team 2017. A sea of cheerful carnivalists |

The TSAPATSOULIDES team 2017: The Flash comic this time female, very pleasant!
The fallen angels of the NATA KEFATA team with their fabulous costumes and chariots |
 Mexican wrestlers in Rethymnon at the carnival 2017, a great idea of the ALLADALON team |

Mr. Trump gags the Statue of Freedom and has his hands not only at the lady's ass: EKATS I KOUTSI KATSIKA 2017 |

The EPOMENOI team this time very sexy Scottish: Who can stand the Scotch. . . |

The ARGOSHOLOI team has its Flamingos 2017 dance the flamenco! |
 The youngest scout of the ANICHNEFTES team, with the angry cockchafer's view in February 2017 |
 The Roadrunner woodpeckers of the ASCHETOI team are going on our nuts! |
Friendly fight drunkards of the RAKODIKASMENOI team. |

The dark magicians of the BOUBOUNES are in a good mood. Who have they bewitched?
Where is Nemo, the little fish of the POTAGONISTES (in English: fight-drunkards)? Good mood while searching is guaranteed. |

PANDAYA 2017: The 2017 motto is Sneaking on, which in Greek is called nailing, always cheerful at carnival! |
Who let the squirrels out? is this year's carnival motto of the TARAXIES! |
The lost unicorns of OLOI VITSIOZOI 2017: We found them at the carnival in Rethymnon! |
A fallen angel of the NATA & FATA team. How rich can a carnival team in Rethymnon be? |

The huge bee swarm of the GAZANOVES team pushes through the streets of sunny Rethymnon. |
The GIAREMIDES celebrate the carnival under the motto 'to each his own' (in Greek: to each his violin). |
The OURANOKATEVATOI are gaming. 'Ma, what are you doing, how embarrassing!' |
The circus of the ANEMOMYALOI team. The clown is astonished: 'What idiot did everyone else conjure up in the hat?' |
Even Los Muertos rise from the graves and grin. OI ALLOI 2017! |

Views . . . at the DAKTYLODIKTOUMENOI that shine with Pokemon this year! |

The CARNIVALOI cook for us at the carnival in 2017: Food from the can, very funny! |
The ALTER EGO team is celebrating its 20th anniversary at the Carnival in Rethymnon ... behind bars!!! |
We are the PARTALIA, we scream the loudest. We are the best ancient athletes that Greece ever had!

The best jackets in town. The tailor of the GOUSGOUNIDES is a genius! |

The scarecrows of our friends, the SKARAVEI. . . Aiaiaiiii carnival 2017! |
The TZITZIKOTRICHIDES, always cheerful and slightly frozen at the carnival. Where did you hide the Raki? |
Our Hairstylist and his victim, er model! No one can do it better. . . |
The 'Red Flash from Rethymnon' still needs some start-up help, but otherwise it's going well!