We are herefor your own good, just want only your best, your valuable warm blood. We just suck a little from you, so that we can live better. |

The GOUSGOUNIS have voted Left for the first time. That's what you've got... |
Who's out here through the rain-soaked dark city streets? The Man in Black!

The incredible Lo-tech vehicle of the NATA KEFATA machine people. Mad Max would be thrilled! |

The EKATS I KOUTSI KATSIKA team ensures cleanliness: Greek Prime Minister as a shoeshine boy of the German Government |

We are the Champions! Young Baseball Stars of the famous GIAREMIDES Team |
 OLOI VITSIOZOI: The bogeyman haunts the dark rainy streets at the Carnival in Rethymnon 2016 |
The dearest of chicken POTAGONISTES team at the Carnival in Rethymno 2016 |
DOBERMANN with diploma: The similarity is a known scientific phenomenon. |

The successful job of blowing the calumet of the tribe of DAKTYLODIKTOUMENI at the Carnival in Rethymnon
The Crazy Life 'en rose' which EMEIS kai EMEIS 2016, as always relaxed and musical. |

OURANOKATEVATOI 2016: When Darth Vader is out of the house, the robots dance on the table! |
I don't smoke, I don't drink booze, no bad women, I am the boss. |
TA PARTALIA 2016: Capital American? Where is it? We have only Capital Control: No withdrawel, no buy, no pay! |
The Queen and her troups have invaded Rethymnon. OI YPOLOIPOI 2016 |
The Puss Scratch Brushes (eh Puss in Boots) of the Team POUROPIPINIA impress us again and again!! |
We are the happy wet cats of the ARGOSHOLOI team. We're rocking and rolling, nothing can rock us! |

Ahoy! We sailors from the ALTER EGO team are rainproof! |
The League of Legends of the ANEMOMYALOI team celebrating.... |
The fabulous costumes and terrific atmosphere of NATA KEFATA teams make lo-tech a motto in life. |

The CARNIVALOI in elementary school with uniforms and tablet, that's what we call hip! |

The BUBUNES: How checkered can one be? |
Warm and dry on the float, so it must remain. |
Moulin Rouge floor dance with the ANONYMOI team 2016
Strawberries in a blender. Take care that you don't under the knife, you TZITZIKOTRICHIDES!! |

The Zebras of ANGOUROKSIPNIMENOI battle through the 2016 carnival-storms. |
The RODOLINI always going strong ahead and always in the sunshine. |
Here no one is ashamed: Ecstasy is popular at the Carnival in Rethymnon 2016, POTHEN AISCHIOS |
Rain, what rain? The FEV...GATOI are unstoppable!