PERIIGITES Club: Cheerful, funny, a lovely team that this year puts us in the 20's with Charlie Chaplin and Charleston. |

The Diva sitting on a roll of film in sneakers: a successful composition.

A solo Charleston with accompaniment presented by PERIIGITES Club. |

Mom cares a lot for me today at Carnival. . . Well I think she has to !!! |
Τhe entire film industry of the 20s is here on the road to honor Charlie Chaplin at the Carnival in Rethymnon. |

Fried eggs and sausages, the topic, the float, the team does not miss a trick! |

The famous Fried Eggs dance of the PERIIGITES club team, often copied, never reached.

Whatever can be artistically performed with the giant sausages, for example: The Sausage Ecstasy.

In the middle deck of the car, there is art in perfection: the egg dance around the thickest sausages! |
Well, we are still quite unanimous: Teamwork or Single performance. |

The blood-sucking 'Children of the Night' on the way to their innocent victims !! |

Come closer, friends, do not be afraid, soon you are also our brothers and sisters!
The bloody grave stones of intelligence, competence of political truth and hope!

With Colgate THIS would not have happened to Dracula's Daughter! Hey, hey, always the third ones are to blame ... |
Again you have not kept to the serious motto and happily celebrate a party. You know what punishment will expect you!! |

Poor Joker, lonely and grim! That will change at the after-show party, promised!.

Hey you up there on the float in the rain, what's the air like there?

And the driver may grin like a Cheshire cat. This is what we call freedom! |
Commedia del 'Arte and media criticism? Somehow this float reminds me of a nightclub. . . |

'The Unbearable Lightness of Pink' is our theme 2014. Spectators find it beautiful anyway. Well, that's how things flow.

We are as we are (pink, pink and pink)! And so shall it stand, even at the Carnival in Rethymno 2014

. . . and I’m taking part quite comfortably by float. It is so much fun! |
Casanova is easy to please: graceful dancing and cheerful enthusiasm! |

Casanova's first victim at the Carnival in Rethymnon 2013?
No, wrong century!
The young ladies of the PERIIGITES Club during a stroll through the beautiful town of Rethymnon. . .
and always under supervision!
Our float is the largest, most beautiful and most valuable one at this year's carnival, right! |
Immortal ghosts of darkness on Rethymnon's streets looking for adventure with humans! |
Periigites Club at the Carnival 2012: The Beauty . . . |
. . . and the Beast: Angela, the nightmare of all Greeks here today?
The ‘Escapades of the Night’ do not even stop in front of our float! |